Thursday, October 22, 2009


Error 1 It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ncorp\index\Web.config 25

Check where the web.config is created. It might have been placed in one of the sub folders instead of the root folder.

Placing the right web.config in the right location should solve this problem.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified


One of the possible causes for the error is the driver that is used in the connection string.

Some uses SQL Native Client and some uses SQL Server as their drivers.

Another possible cause may be the DSN is not set up correctly. Ensure that you test your DSN setting.

Why is my IIS log file have different time in it while my system time is set correctly?

Check what kind of log is setup for IIS

For W3C Extended log file, the date and time is set to be in GMT by design and this should explain the time difference in the log files.

For further information visit microsoft site

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How to check shared folders and files in a windows network environment?

Start > run > mmc

File > New (Console root dialog appears)

File > Add/Remove snap-in > Add > then choose the snap-in "shared folder" from the list of snap-ins and click "Add" button

Next in the Shared Folders dialog, choose the computer in which you want to find who has shared folders and files and click the "Finish" button. Then click "Close" button followed by "Ok" button.

Expand Console Root > "Shared Folders" and you can check the list of shared folders (shares, sessions and open files)

Monday, October 12, 2009

SQL Server error 1069

When you are starting SQL Server via SQL Server Enterprise Manager or MSSQLServer Services application in the Control Panel, it generates this error:

An error 1069. (The service did not start due to a logon failure) occurred while performing this service operation on the MSSQLServer Services


When the above error happens in a windows XP machine go to Start -> Run -> services.msc. Then double click on MSSQLServer.

i) Under the Log on tab choose Local System Account. This will enable the system account serve the sql instance

ii) As a developer if the computer is assigned a user name and password, try entering the correct password for the account which should resolve the above error message

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to install Fonts without Administrative Rights in Windows?

Font installation steps

i) Organize the fonts in a folder c:\MyFonts

ii) Select Control Panel -> Fonts

iii) From file explorer windows, click the menu File -> Install Fonts

iv) Go to the font location which in our case is "MyFonts". Uncheck "Copy Fonts to Fonts Folder" and select the desired fonts that needs to get installed and then click ok

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Classic ASP, Stored Procedures and NText

This note is about the problem I had trying to display the NText variable from executing a stored procedure. Atlast, I figured out that we need to have the NText variable as the the last variable in the query in order for the data to get displayed in classic ASP pages.

NText, NVarchar in SQL Server - Support for Unicode Content

NText used for characters in excess of 8000 bytes (=~4000 characters) of unicode content
NText stores upto 1 GB of data (Text stores upto 2 GB of data)
NText cannot be indexed
NText will not employ string functions like Len, Replace
When substr function is used on NText, there is conversion to nvarchar

NVarchar stores upto 4000 characters with unicode support for characters. This is an extra overhead and use this only if it is really needed.